Alta Vista, Iowa Weather by Month

By | May 9, 2002

Alta Vista is a picturesque town located in Chickasaw County, Iowa, located amidst the rolling hills and fertile farmland of the state’s heartland. Located approximately 20 miles northeast of Charles City, Alta Vista offers residents a peaceful and close-knit community atmosphere surrounded by natural beauty. With a population of around 266 residents, Alta Vista retains its small-town charm and rural character, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a tranquil and family-friendly environment in the Midwest.


Alta Vista is located at approximately 43.1914° N latitude and 92.4026° W longitude, encompassing an area of approximately 0.39 square miles. The town is located within the vast expanse of the Iowa prairie, surrounded by agricultural fields and scenic landscapes. Alta Vista is bordered by the towns of New Hampton, Nashua, and Elma, and is within easy driving distance of the Cedar River, a prominent waterway in northeastern Iowa.

Affiliation and Population

Alta Vista is affiliated with Chickasaw County, which is part of the state of Iowa in the United States. The town’s population stands at around 266 residents, with a mix of families, retirees, and working professionals. Despite its small size, Alta Vista has a rich history dating back to its founding in the late 19th century, and its residents take pride in preserving the town’s heritage and community spirit.

Area and Major Landmarks

The total area of Alta Vista spans approximately 0.39 square miles, with much of the town’s landscape dominated by residential neighborhoods and open green spaces. While Alta Vista may not have any major landmarks, the town’s charming Main Street and historic buildings offer glimpses into its past. Additionally, the surrounding countryside provides opportunities for outdoor recreation such as hiking, birdwatching, and hunting.

Famous Company or University

Alta Vista is not home to any major corporations or universities. However, the town’s proximity to larger cities such as Charles City and New Hampton provides residents with access to a range of employment opportunities, educational institutions, and cultural attractions.

Climate and Weather Overview

Alta Vista experiences a humid continental climate, characterized by four distinct seasons with cold, snowy winters and warm, humid summers. The town enjoys moderate precipitation throughout the year, with occasional thunderstorms in the summer and snowfall in the winter. Alta Vista’s location in the Upper Midwest contributes to its variable weather patterns, with temperature fluctuations common during the transitional seasons of spring and fall.

Average Climate Data

Below is a table detailing the average temperature, precipitation, and number of sunny days for each month in Alta Vista:

Month Average Temperature (°F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 21°F 0.9 inches 16
February 26°F 1.0 inches 17
March 38°F 2.1 inches 18
April 53°F 3.2 inches 19
May 66°F 4.2 inches 20
June 76°F 4.5 inches 21
July 81°F 4.1 inches 21
August 79°F 4.0 inches 20
September 71°F 3.3 inches 19
October 59°F 2.5 inches 17
November 42°F 1.9 inches 15
December 28°F 1.1 inches 14

Weather by Month


January in Alta Vista is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average highs hover around 21°F, with overnight lows often dropping below zero. Precipitation levels are low, with an average of 0.9 inches of snowfall. Despite the cold, sunny days are frequent, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as sledding, ice skating, or simply enjoying the winter scenery.


February brings similar weather conditions to Alta Vista, with average highs reaching around 26°F. Snowfall remains common, with an average of 1.0 inches of precipitation. While temperatures are cold, sunny days increase slightly, allowing residents to enjoy winter sports and outdoor recreation. Residents can also take advantage of the quieter winter months to explore the town’s parks and trails.


March marks the transition to spring in Alta Vista, with temperatures gradually warming up. Average highs reach around 38°F, and snowfall becomes less frequent. However, precipitation levels increase to 2.1 inches, with occasional rain showers replacing snow. Sunny days become more frequent, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, or exploring the town’s parks and nature areas.


April brings further warming to Alta Vista, with average highs climbing to around 53°F. While snow is rare, occasional spring showers are common, contributing to the town’s lush greenery. Precipitation levels increase to 3.2 inches, but there are also more sunny days for outdoor pursuits such as gardening, picnicking, or visiting local parks and recreational areas.


May heralds the arrival of spring-like conditions in Alta Vista, with average highs reaching around 66°F. Precipitation levels remain moderate at 4.2 inches, but there are also more sunny days to enjoy outdoor activities. Residents can go hiking, biking, or fishing in the area’s rivers and lakes, or simply enjoy the blooming flowers and trees throughout the town.


June brings warmer temperatures to Alta Vista, with average highs peaking at around 76°F. Precipitation levels remain moderate at 4.5 inches, but there are longer daylight hours for outdoor exploration. Residents can take advantage of the warmer weather to go hiking, camping, or picnicking in the town’s parks and natural areas. June is also a popular time for fishing and boating on nearby lakes and rivers.


July is the warmest month of the year in Alta Vista, with average highs reaching around 81°F. While precipitation levels remain moderate at 4.1 inches, there are still plenty of sunny days to enjoy outdoor activities. Residents can spend time at the town’s parks, attend outdoor events and festivals, or cool off with a swim in nearby lakes or rivers.


August brings continued warmth to Alta Vista, with average highs remaining around 79°F. Precipitation levels are similar to July at 4.0 inches, but sunny days continue to dominate the forecast. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, or visiting local attractions, or simply relax and soak up the summer sunshine.


September marks the transition to fall in Alta Vista, with average highs dropping to around 71°F. While temperatures are cooler, precipitation levels remain moderate at 3.3 inches, providing opportunities for outdoor pursuits. Residents can go apple picking, attend fall festivals, or take scenic drives to view the changing foliage throughout the town.


October brings cooler temperatures to Alta Vista, with average highs reaching around 59°F. Precipitation levels decrease slightly to 2.5 inches, with occasional rain showers. Outdoor enthusiasts can embrace the fall season by going hiking, leaf-peeping, or visiting pumpkin patches and corn mazes in the surrounding countryside.


November sees further cooling in Alta Vista, with average highs dropping to around 42°F. Precipitation levels remain moderate at 1.9 inches, with occasional rain showers and the possibility of early snowfall. Residents can enjoy cozy indoor activities such as baking, crafting, or attending community events as the town prepares for the holiday season.


December brings winter to Alta Vista, with average highs around 28°F. Precipitation levels are similar to November at 1.1 inches, with occasional snowfall adding to the town’s festive atmosphere. Residents can enjoy holiday festivities, visit Christmas markets, or take scenic drives to view holiday lights and decorations throughout the town.

Natural Disasters

Alta Vista is relatively sheltered from major natural disasters, although the town may occasionally experience severe weather events such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, or flooding. Residents are advised to stay informed about weather alerts and to have a plan in place for emergency preparedness in the event of extreme weather conditions.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Alta Vista offers a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for residents and visitors to enjoy. From exploring the town’s parks and nature trails to attending seasonal events and festivals, there is something for everyone to discover in Alta Vista. Below are recommended activities for each month:

  • January: Enjoy winter sports such as sledding, ice skating, or snowshoeing.
  • February: Embrace the winter weather with outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, or winter hiking.
  • March: Go hiking, birdwatching, or exploring the town’s parks and nature areas as spring begins to arrive.
  • April: Visit local parks, gardens, or recreational areas to enjoy the blooming flowers and trees.
  • May: Go hiking, biking, or fishing in the area’s rivers and lakes, or enjoy picnics in the park.
  • June: Take advantage of the warmer weather to go camping, fishing, or boating on nearby lakes and rivers.
  • July: Attend outdoor events and festivals, spend time at the town’s parks, or enjoy swimming and water activities.
  • August: Explore local attractions, go hiking, biking, or simply relax and enjoy the summer sunshine.
  • September: Go apple picking, attend fall festivals, or take scenic drives to view the changing foliage.
  • October: Enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, leaf-peeping, or visiting pumpkin patches and corn mazes.
  • November: Participate in indoor activities such as baking, crafting, or attending community events.
  • December: Embrace the holiday season with festive activities such as shopping, visiting Christmas markets, or enjoying holiday lights displays.

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