Ashford, Alabama Weather by Month

By | May 9, 2003

Located in Houston County, Alabama, Ashford is a charming small town located in the southeastern part of the state. With a population of approximately 2,200 residents, Ashford offers a tight-knit community atmosphere and a rich history. The town is surrounded by lush greenery, rolling hills, and agricultural fields, making it a beautiful destination for both residents and visitors. Major landmarks in the area include the Ashford Historic District, which features well-preserved historic buildings and homes dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Climate and Weather Overview

Average Climate Statistics

Month Average Temperature (F) Average Precipitation (in) Average Sunny Days
January 57.2 5.33 8
February 61.8 5.11 9
March 68.4 5.74 10
April 75.4 4.76 10
May 82.5 3.91 10
June 88.3 5.35 11
July 90.7 6.34 10
August 90.2 5.75 9
September 85.3 4.32 8
October 76.7 3.64 8
November 68.1 3.88 7
December 59.2 4.71 7

Weather by Month


January in Ashford is characterized by mild temperatures and occasional rainfall. The average temperature for the month is 57.2°F (14°C), with an average precipitation of 5.33 inches (135 mm). While outdoor activities may be limited due to the cooler weather and rainfall, residents and visitors can still enjoy exploring local attractions such as museums, art galleries, and historical sites. Indoor activities such as visiting local cafes, attending community events, and shopping at boutiques are popular choices during this time of year.


February brings slightly warmer temperatures to Ashford, with an average temperature of 61.8°F (16.6°C). However, rainfall remains relatively high, with an average precipitation of 5.11 inches (130 mm). Outdoor enthusiasts can still enjoy activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and photography in between rain showers. February is also a great time to explore the town’s parks and nature trails, where visitors can admire the early signs of spring emerging in the landscape.


March marks the transition to spring in Ashford, with temperatures gradually warming up and the arrival of blooming flowers and trees. The average temperature for the month is 68.4°F (20.2°C), with an average precipitation of 5.74 inches (146 mm). Outdoor activities such as picnicking, fishing, and gardening become popular choices for residents and visitors looking to enjoy the mild weather and natural beauty of the area. March is also a great time to visit local farms and farmers markets to purchase fresh produce and flowers.


April brings warmer temperatures and abundant sunshine to Ashford, making it an ideal time for outdoor recreation. The average temperature for the month is 75.4°F (24.1°C), with an average precipitation of 4.76 inches (121 mm). Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy activities such as hiking, biking, and camping in nearby parks and recreational areas. April is also a great time to explore the town’s historic downtown area, where visitors can admire the architecture, shop at local boutiques, and dine at charming cafes and restaurants.


May is a beautiful time to visit Ashford, with warm temperatures and blooming flowers creating a vibrant landscape. The average temperature for the month is 82.5°F (28.1°C), with an average precipitation of 3.91 inches (99 mm). Outdoor activities such as picnicking, boating, and kayaking are popular choices for residents and visitors looking to enjoy the sunny weather. May is also a great time to explore the town’s parks, gardens, and nature preserves, where visitors can admire the colorful blooms and wildlife.


June brings hot temperatures and plenty of sunshine to Ashford, making it the perfect time for outdoor adventures. The average temperature for the month is 88.3°F (31.3°C), with an average precipitation of 5.35 inches (136 mm). Residents and visitors alike can enjoy activities such as swimming, fishing, and tubing in nearby lakes and rivers. June is also a great time to explore the town’s outdoor markets, where visitors can shop for fresh produce, handmade crafts, and local goods.


July is one of the hottest months of the year in Ashford, with average temperatures reaching 90.7°F (32.6°C). Despite the heat, outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and fishing are still popular choices for residents and visitors looking to embrace the summer season. The town’s parks and recreational areas offer plenty of opportunities for outdoor fun, including swimming, picnicking, and birdwatching. July is also a great time to attend local festivals, concerts, and community events.


August brings continued heat and humidity to Ashford, with average temperatures remaining high throughout the month. The average temperature for August is 90.2°F (32.3°C), with an average precipitation of 5.75 inches (146 mm). While outdoor activities may be limited during the hottest part of the day, residents and visitors can still enjoy early morning or evening outings such as walking, jogging, or biking. August is also a great time to visit nearby attractions such as water parks, zoos, and botanical gardens.


September marks the transition to fall in Ashford, with temperatures beginning to cool down and the landscape taking on the colors of autumn. The average temperature for the month is 85.3°F (29.6°C), with an average precipitation of 4.32 inches (110 mm). Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy activities such as hiking, camping, and leaf-peeping as the weather becomes more comfortable. September is also a great time to explore the town’s scenic drives, historic sites, and cultural attractions.


October brings cooler temperatures and the peak of fall foliage to Ashford, making it one of the most beautiful times of the year to visit. The average temperature for the month is 76.7°F (24.8°C), with an average precipitation of 3.64 inches (92 mm). Outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and scenic drives are popular choices for residents and visitors alike. October is also a great time to visit local pumpkin patches, apple orchards, and fall festivals.


November marks the transition to winter in Ashford, with temperatures dropping and occasional rainfall. The average temperature for the month is 68.1°F (20.1°C), with an average precipitation of 3.88 inches (98 mm). Outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and nature photography are still enjoyable during this time of year, especially as the landscape begins to change with the season. November is also a great time to explore the town’s historic sites, museums, and cultural attractions.


December brings cold temperatures and the holiday spirit to Ashford, making it a festive time of year to visit. The average temperature for the month is 59.2°F (15.1°C), with an average precipitation of 4.71 inches (120 mm). While snowfall is relatively uncommon in December, residents and visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and holiday light displays. December is also a great time to visit local shops and markets to find unique gifts and decorations for the holiday season. Indoor options include attending holiday concerts, visiting art galleries, and enjoying festive meals at local restaurants.

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